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Big Bend Community College William C. Bonaudi Library

#BigBendCCBookChallenge March| Cassie Torres | Dear Evan Hansen

by Rhonda Kitchens on 2020-03-01T12:50:37-08:00 in English, Library and Research Skills | 0 Comments

Month: February
From: Cassie Torres
Book Title:  Dear Evan Hansen 
Author(s): Val Emmich, Steven Levenson, Benj Pasek, & Justin Paul


Book Cover of Dear Evan Hansen

"Have you ever told a lie? Not just a little white lie, a huge lie that consumes you to the point where it becomes your truth. No matter how much you want to break free from it there is no escaping without hurting so many others. 

Dear Evan Hansen is about a lie. A lie that escalates to the point where Evan has no idea how to stop it. All of a sudden, Evan is not just another nobody; he was Connor Murphy’s best friend. Connor Murphy, who took his own life and did not have friend in the world, or so everyone thought.  

The answers are in Evan’s hands. What made Connor take his life? Was it drugs? Why did no one know about this secret friendship between Evan and Connor? It becomes easy for Evan to fabricate this fake friendship and in a way you kind of root for him. He is not going along with this because he wants attention (well maybe a little), but because he wants to give Connor’s family some sort of solace during a difficult time. 

I enjoyed this book because even though what Evan is doing is wrong, so much good comes from his lie. Not without destroying him first though. Sometimes we need to break down to rebuild and that is just what Evan does. "

#BigBendCCBookChallenge #12in12 #NewYearsResolution #WhiteLies 



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