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Big Bend Community College William C. Bonaudi Library

Database of the Month: Proquest

by Rhonda Kitchens on 2019-12-11T22:04:00-08:00 in Basic Skills | 0 Comments


From Astronomy to Zoology, this database has it all.  

One of the key ways of managing this large, complex database is to select Full-text in the search.  Many students think the entire database is full-text like Opposing Viewpoints or eBooks.  

It isn't. 

Make sure to select full text when searching Proquest.


On the search results page, Proquest gives you more options.  If you forgot to select Full-Text, you have another shot to do so.  You may also limit your search to scholarly articles and other formats.  If you need to limit to a more current article or change the dates of the articles, the left-hand side provides an opportunity to do so. 

Example of limiters on left hand side of Proquest search results


When you select a title, Proquest provides fantastic research support.

ONE:  Title and citation elements. Authors are linked so that their other works may be found in the database. This usually contains the Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

TWO: Full-text of the article. Download or email as needed.

THREE: The Cite button provides a citation for MLA 8, APA 6, and APA 7 will be coming. 

FOUR: Related Items contain articles that are available on a similar topic. 


Numbered visual on where 4 key useful Proquest items are.


Most databases have Cite or Citation assistance.  Make sure to copy and correct the suggestion.  Make sure the citation is in the format your professor requires.  There's usually a drop-down box that allows selection. 

ONE:  Dropdown box. Make sure to choose the correct citation style and edition. 

TWO:  Make sure to check the citation for accuracy. It is rare that a database provided citation is 100% correct.  Use the guides on Purdue Online Writing Lab. (OWL).

The rule is copy and correct. Do not copy and paste. 

Example of Proquest Citation.






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