Membership will include all college libraries within the Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges (WACTC).
A. Official Members, hereafter also referred to as the Board, shall be voting members and shall consist of the library administrator from each member library, or an assigned alternate as designated by the library administrator.
B. Advisory Members shall be non-voting members and may include staff from member libraries or colleges, state agencies, library-related organizations, or other library consortia, whose ongoing attendance at official meetings is necessary to share information or expertise. The WACTCLC Consortium staff are considered Advisory Members.
2015-2018 - Alma/Primo Implementation
2020-2021 - ctcLink Patron Loading
The Washington Community and Technical College Library Consortium provides on-going support for the Ex Libris ILS Alma and Discovery Index Primo VE.
WACTCLC © 2024