Grove Music Online This link opens in a new window
The authoritative resource for music research with over 52,000 articles written by nearly 9,000 scholars charting the diverse history, theory and cultures of music around the globe
Based on a work first published in 1879 and updated frequently, Grove has been in continuous publication for over a century and now publishes hundreds of new articles and article revisions each year
Academic Search Premier This link opens in a new window
Multidisciplinary research database. It provides acclaimed full-text journals, magazines and other valuable resources. Biology
Religion and philosophy
Science and technology
Veterinary science
Pythagorean theorem
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African-American History: Infobase This link opens in a new window
Covering more than 500 years of the African-American experience, African-American History offers a way to explore the full spectrum of African-American history and culture, with tablet/mobile-friendly videos and slideshows, images, biographies of key people, event and topic entries, primary sources, maps and graphs, and timelines. Includes: Abolitionist Movement
Underground Railroad
Emancipation Proclamation
Great Black Migrations
Harlem Renaissance
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Topics: racial discrimination in the media. racial inequality in the media
Ancient and Medieval History: Infobase This link opens in a new window
Provides coverage of world history from prehistory through the mid-1500s, with special Topic Centers on key civilizations and regions, including the ancient Near East, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, ancient and medieval Africa, ancient and medieval Asia, the Americas, medieval Europe, and the Islamic World. Each civilization’s history is brought to life through articles, videos and slideshows, primary source. More: Ancient and Medieval Africa: 5000 BCE–1500 CE
Ancient Egypt: 5000 BCE–650 CE
Ancient Near East: 4000 BCE–650 CE
Ancient Greece: 3300 BCE–30 BCE
Ancient and Medieval Asia: 3000 BCE–1600 CE
The Americas: 2000 BCE–1500 CE
Ancient Rome: 800 BCE–500 CE
Medieval Europe: 500 CE–1500 CE
Islamic World: 570 CE–1500 CE
Global Issues in Context This link opens in a new window
Not a pro and con database, Global Issues in Context ties together sources to present a rich analysis of issues - social, political, military, economic, environmental, science related, health related, cultural - and headlines in world hot spots. It provides information seekers with a framework to better understand 21st-century issues and events while highlighting global connections and the interdependence of all nations. Global Issues in Context focuses on broad issues, such as war, genocide, terrorism, human rights, poverty, famine, globalization, world trade, nuclear proliferation, and global warming, as well as more specific events and topics in the news that are related to these broader issues. It also includes detailed information on nations to provide a foundation for cross-cultural studies and, International periodicals and news sources that bring additional insight and currency. Migration
History : Study Center This link opens in a new window
From business and political science to literature and psychology, ProQuest Research Library™ provides one-stop access to a wide range of the most utilized subjects and topics. The database includes thousands of full-text titles, with a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, important and general interest magazines. This combination of general reference volume and scope makes it one of the broadest, most inclusive general reference databases ProQuest has to offer.
It's ideal for academic libraries, providing resources for both the basic needs and high-end requirements of students and researchers.
ProQuest Research Library™ is designed to cover the top 150 core academic subject reference areas, as well as provide hundreds of general interest periodicals from around the world, so not only is it an invaluable database for a number of different academic disciplines, it's also accessible to readers and researchers at every level.
Subject coverage
Historical studies
Military history
Periods & events
US history
World history
eBook EBSCO Collection This link opens in a new window
Our collection of online titles, available electronically. Click on the link to search.
Fine Arts : Gale OneFile This link opens in a new window
Search millions of articles about drama, music, art history, and filmmaking. Diverse resource for serious fine arts students.
Humanities Abstracts This link opens in a new window
Covers topics including art, classical studies, dance, film, journalism, philosophy, religion and much more. Content includes feature articles, interviews, obituaries and original works of fiction, drama, poetry and reviews.
JSTOR This link opens in a new windowGreat for music history
Proquest Research Library This link opens in a new window
Provides access to billions of vetted, indexed documents from a variety of sources.
Search by Keyword, Publication or Database. Advanced search yields results from the following source types: Audio/Visual Works, Blogs/Podcasts & Websites, Books, Conference Papers & Proceedings, Dissertations & Theses, Magazines, Newspapers, Pamphlets & Ephemeral Works, Reports, Scholarly Journals, Trade Journals, Wire Feeds, and Working Papers. Migration. face masks COVID-19