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Due last day of final exams: 11:59 pm, Wednesday, March 24th 

+50 points extra credit for students who submit early and present at last day of class which is 10:30 am Tuesday, March 16th.


Note that this is called a project rather than an essay. Students may submit an essay, but students are strongly encouraged to explore other media. Our BBCC faculty librarian Rhonda Kitchens will host the 10:30 class on Thursday, March 4th, and she will be presenting interesting aps to use for this project such as Padlet, BuzzSprout, ThingLink, Visme, Storyboard That, etc.


For this project, students will pick ONE of the following subject areas:

  • privacy
  • religion
  • politics
  • family / raising children
  • work 
  • education
  • art 
  • (other approved topics)



Students will then present their interpretation of their subject through all four of the following:

  • McLuhan’s thesis that modernity is the product of print culture. How did print modernize your subject? (50 points)
  • McLuhan’s thesis that electronic culture creates a “global village” where the older pre-literate oral culture is now presented on an international stage. How is electronic technology changing your subject? (50 points)
  • Your summary of the positives and negatives of this change. Do you think that overall this has been a change for the better or not? (50 points)
  • McLuhan’s thesis that the medium is the message. How did the medium you chose for this project impact the message? (50 points)


Since this is your interpretation, you are free to disagree with McLuhan’s theses. Remember that this is a philosophy course and so you are encouraged to have opinions on these topics. Projects will be graded on their ability to present and interpret McLuhan’s theses and for the arguments supporting your interpretations and opinions.


Library Instruction Feedback


















































































Five Digital Tools

If you have any questions or need help, please reach out to me and we can make an appointment.

Images & Video With No Copyrights or Royalties :




Advice:  Start Text First


Need to do more Research?

Google Advanced



Example:  McCarthy's French Speaking Countries Project


Thinglink : Invite Code EFXAUA
Example: McCarthy's Family Tree Project




Visme eBook Example








Example:  Passion Project Showcase: Dr. Allison Palumbo


The William C. Bonaudi
Library provides 
study space,
a large and growing
collection of books 

multiple online resources,
and other library services. 

We are committed to meeting
the needs of
BBCC's students,
staff, faculty, and those 

living within the
Big Bend Community College
service district.





Toll Free: 877-745-1212 x2350


 1800/Library & GCATEC

Physical Address:
7611 Bolling St.

William C. 
Bonaudi Library, 
7662 Chanute St.
Moses Lake, WA 98837

Reserve Computer Lab 1801 or 1802

Our Team

Library and eLearning Director:
Tim Fuhrman

Faculty Librarian: 
Rhonda Kitchens

eLearning Coordinator, Librarian:
Geri Hopkins 

Program Assistant, and Purchasing:

Alex Lopez

Library Systems Specialist

Amanda Miller

Cataloging, Interlibrary Loan
Teresa Sweeney