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5 academic level sources (1 research scholarly article)

1:03 Discussion of Search Strategy, Sources, Keywords, and Literature Formats 9:07 Proquest Demo: TOPIC and "systematic review", Full Text Demo: TOPIC and interview*, Full Text 17:19 Family Studies Abstracts Demo: TOPIC, Linked Full Text Extra: How to search all EBSCO databases in one search or create your own database 20:15 Social Work Reference Center 21:45 Google Advanced Demonstrate use of .org, .gov, and .edu 27:05 Google Scholar Finding Full-Text Scholarly Articles in One Search 30:23 Pew Research Center 31:45 List of Sociology-Related Databases Overview 35:35 Overview of Writing Center 35:43 Overview of Citation & Plagiarism - APA Style 36:59 Use the Scholarly Articles link to find out more about scholarly articles



Background & definition of the topic:
Sources: Opposing Viewpoints, Social Work Reference Center, Proquest, Google Advanced search using .org, .gov, or .edu (organization, government, education)
Keywords & Ideas:

Proquest: systematic review, literature reviews,  Select Full Text and Scholarly Articles and do a definitions search.  Example: defini* AND homeless
Google:  Topic AND defini*, Topic AND defini* 

Who is affected by the issue? 
Sources: Pew Research Center, Social Work Reference Center, Google Advanced search using .org, .gov, or .edu (organization, government, education)

Keywords:  affected, experience

Example: See the image at the bottom of the page.
     Google Search  - Who is affected TOPIC, 
     Google search:  who is affected TOPIC

Use Conflict Theory Lens:
Keyword ideas: "Conflict theory", "Conflict lens", conflict, coexistence, competition, cooperation, integrated threat theory, Intergroup anxiety, social contract, equity, class struggle, tensions, conflict, competition over resources, inequality, collective action

Put a face on the problem:

Sources: Social Work Reference Center, Pew Research Center, Google advanced search: TOPIC AND site:org

Keywords and ideas:  case stud* (case study/studies), interview* (interviewing, interviews, interviewed, interview) , qualitative studies, focus groups, 

Call for action
Keywords and ideas: systematic review (look at the conclusions) 
Google advanced search: TOPIC AND "think tank"  


Affected by Google Search 

Using a Google search to find out who is affected by an issue isn't a bad search. Look for the .org (organizations) and .gov (government) URLs in the search results to find credible sources. You can limit to a .org or .gov by using this in the search box with your topic:

Who is affected by....Google search





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