A subscription to 'Cengage Unlimited' is a REQUIRED course material. The four (4) month subscription is included with tuition as a Day 1 Access Fee of $149.71 (includes tax)* and will be available in your Canvas course on the first day of class. You only need one Cengage Unlimited subscription for any courses using Cengage products during the quarter.
*Price subject to change at any time.
The following courses use Cengage:
ACCT: 105, 201, 202, 203, 205, 233, 260, 262
BIM: 109 A&B, 113,117, 131,173B, 180 A-B-C,186,190A&B ,280 A-B-C
BUS: 101*, 115,119, 170*, 201*
CJ 101*, 105*, 217*
ECED 107*, 180*
ECON 202*
GEOL 103*
HED 160*
PSYC 100*
*These texts are Day 1 Access through the specific course. If you have Cengage Unlimited you should be able to access the books to these courses and OPT out of the individual Day 1 Access.
MissionThe William C. Bonaudi |
Our TeamLibrary and eLearning Director: |